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How to test the performance of anti-virus software before buying

The computer market promises detection results and is full of software packages that say they are the best and browse the internet. The problem with some information is that it will be prejudiced.

Either an affiliate that receives a commission for each sale, or the company itself provides its own information to convince you to write an opinion.

In this guide you will find information on actions that you can consider when buying antivirus software. The evaluation results will provide you with information.


Before you start analyzing anti-virus packages and getting to work, you need to give your computer a performance service with a few free tools.

Advanced System Care is a fantastic tool that can give your computer an interface. Before performing any program that is being cleaned, make sure you have a backup copy of the data. As soon as you use Advanced System Care, you can install it so that it does not affect your computer's tools or uninstall it.

You can improve your computer's performance by editing the system startup file using the "msconfig" utility. If you do not know this procedure and do not know what to turn off, use the Advanced System Care program.

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Online research

Although you may collect certain information on the seller or reviewer site, it is always wise to look at forums or review reviews.

One of the sites that contain reviews are av comparisons. Org and provides test results.

Both interesting evaluation results will be the results of elimination and detection, because you will perform performance tests to find out how your computer has a specific effect on its atmosphere. The results of elimination and discovery are displayed after clicking on the "comparative" tab on the main page of the site that was comparative.

Not created equal

The most important reason for testing the performance of anti-virus products is not that all anti-virus packages are created equally when it comes to ensuring computer and internet browsing safety, memory usage, background scanning speed, virus detection and elimination etc.

Minimal requirements

Apartments should have the following modules:

* Antivirus
* Antirootkit
* Anti-phishing
* Antispyware
* Antimalware
* Antitrojan
* Antiworm
* Anti spam
* Safe browsing
* Firewall
* Real-time tracking
* Scheduled scanning
* Automatic definition update

Create a list

You will need to create a list of available packages that meet the download criteria, depending on your search.

Online antivirus scanning

You are browsing the Internet and if you do not have any software, we strongly recommend that you scan your system with an antivirus scanner until you install and download the antivirus trial packages.

To do this, simply enter the Google search box "free online virus scanner" (without quotes) and choose a reputable scanner, such as Trend, AVG, Kaspersky, Comodo, McAfee or Eset, and then follow the on-screen instructions, to install the necessary applications for the operation of the Internet scanner. After scanning and eliminating possible diseases, you can download, install and start analyzing trial antivirus packages.

Antivirus software installed

Then uninstall it 19 if your system has anti-virus software installed before installing the anti-virus trial packages and the system will restart. I prefer norton setup with product key​ antivirus software for it's all round protection. Any Prob;ems to install Norton Antivirus then contact us Norton Tech Support Number

Recommended uninstaller

Is Revo Uninstaller. Perfect for cleaning the registry of any entries left behind by the uninstaller.

To find the uninstaller, just enter Google "Free Revo Uninstaller" (without quotation marks), then download and install it.

After installing and downloading Revo Uninstaller, use it to restart your existing antivirus program. Clicking to go through 26, Rate pages.

If it does not install files for any reason, and after setting up the antivirus trial program, run it and download the antivirus removal tool from the provider's website.

N.B. Restart the computer after flashing the antivirus program.

The use of system resources

The first and most important point when analyzing any packages would be to notice the amount of computer and memory tools that they use when running in the background or scanning, as this is one of the factors of your order.

As a result, pay attention to how much CPU and memory resources are consumed in your system, and you will need to evaluate them so that you can compare them using the processor and memory in test anti-virus packages.

Method of assessing the use of system resources

To assess the current memory and CPU usage on a computer running Windows 7 / Vista, right-click the taskbar (the activity bar is the gray / blue bar at the bottom of the screen), and then left-click on the "startup task manager"

To evaluate the current memory and CPU usage on a computer running Windows XP / 2000, right-click the taskbar (the activity bar is the gray area at the bottom of the screen), and then left-click on the "startup task manager"

Click the "Functionality" tab in the "Windows Task Manager". This screen shows the CPU and memory usage of the computer.

As soon as you notice the CPU and memory usage without trial applications, you can proceed to configuring the trial antivirus program.

You have restarted the system and after installing it, you want to replicate the memory and processor test to see how much processor and memory resources are being used from the trial antivirus program.

After replicating the memory, you will need to perform a full anti-virus scan of the system during the anti-virus scan and processor test operation. Note the CPU and memory usage.

Open and close several applications while scanning and check how your computer works. Enter the text and note the response time. Your system will probably be slower than usual because of the file, but it should be usable with an appropriate delay.

After scanning the document, repeat the procedure for closing and starting some applications, and for entering text using a notepad. These tests should work without delay and normally.

When a delay (above normal) is noticeable, then the trial anti-virus application uses many computer tools. This can be remedied by installing additional memory, but in the meantime, before we decide to purchase additional memory, we will have to keep up with all our tests.

Uninstall it as soon as you finish testing the antivirus trial package and repeat the test procedure.


Now you can make an informed choice which of these antivirus programs best suits your computer. After testing. If you have a favorite antivirus program, but it has too much effect on the performance of your computers, you have two options, install an additional framework (i.e. whether the framework can be updated) or settle for another antivirus package that does not work will not affect the functionality of the computer.

If your computer has been running with any anti-virus software, the memory cannot be updated before testing the test applications, and Advanced System Care system maintenance may require you to reinstall this operating system. Keep in mind if your computer hardware is old because reinstalling the operating system may not solve the problem. It leaves you the choice of location or computer replacement.
Also Read:- Benefits and Advantages of Norton Anti-Virus