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How to Install an Ink Cartridge in a Canon Printer

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Changing ink cartridges is a regular portion of printer maintenance, and you could discover which you want to do so often in case the Canon printer on your workplace sees regular usage. Your Canon printer comes with an entry door on the front front of the device, letting you eliminate or assess the status of the installed ink cartridges. Open your printer entry door when printing quality declines because of faded or missing colours, and substitute the empty ink cartridge to return the printer's lead to its own regular quality.

  1. Find And open the entry door to your Canon printer.
  2. Find The empty cartridge by assessing the status lights which become visible once you start the entrance door.
  3. Push The tab in front of the empty cartridge to launch it out of its slot.
  4. Eliminate The replacement ink cartridge out of its box, but don't start the inner wrap yet. Examine the wrapper for directions directing one to shake the cartridge prior to launching it. You have to shake ink cartridges for your Canon PIXMA PRO-1 before launching thembut most Canon ink cartridges don't have this specific requirement.
  5. Eliminate The ink cartridge out of its wrapper. Peel off the tape covering the metallic contact points and turn off the plastic cap, even if current.
  6. Push The cartridge to the slot that is empty so the metallic contacts face the interior of the slot along with the launch tab faces you.
  7. Close to the printer's entrance door and await the printer's indicator light to proceed strong before trying to print.

If you are still facing any problems in in installing printer or changing cartage then you can always contract us at <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->canon customer service phone number , we are here to assist you and provide you proper guidance.